Train. Compete. Achieve.
Bennington, NE
Welcome to the Boys & Girls 5U Division Page
Sessions are scheduled for Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 PM and Saturday's from 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM. Please see the practice schedule on TeamSnap for official dates/times as well as on the website.
Festival Info:
The Fall and Spring sessions we will have a Festival with games to be held the last week of practice. Festival info can be found on this page. Games will be 20 minutes in length with 10 minutes in between games for drinks, snacks and rotating to the next field.
All communication for this division will be sent via TeamSnap. Please download the TeamSnap app, if you have not already done so. All communication and schedules will be sent through the app. Your child will be placed on a team once registration has closed. Please allow time for team formation.
Please contact Developmental ADOC Morgan Delaney with any questions: dev_adoc@benningtonsoccer.org
Weather Cancellations:
Weather cancellations will be will be emailed and/or texted out by your coach, via the TeamSnap app. Please note - we have fields that drain very well. If it has rained earlier in the day, but has cleared by practice time - we will most likely still hold practice! If there is severe weather in the area, we will cancel practice early - so please stay near our complex when weather is a potential issue.
Cancellations will not be made up.
Shin Guards worn under soccer socks
Tennis Shoes or Cleats; no baseball cleats allowed due to the cleat in the toe
Size 3 Soccer Ball
No jewelry; ie earrings or necklaces
We look forward to seeing everyone on the soccer field and having a great time this season!