Train. Compete. Achieve.
8U Team Info
Bennington, NE
Welcome to the 8U Boys & Girls Division Page:
Sessions are scheduled for Tuesday's from 6:00 - 7:00 PM at the BENSC Complex.
8U Coaches can request additional field space for a second weekly practice time. Please send an email to competition@benningtonsoccer.org. Additional practice space will be granted based on field availability (extra field space availability for 8U is on Friday evenings and possibly some weekend time slots based on home NYSL games).
Please see the practice schedule on the TeamSnap app for official dates/times after registration has closed. All 8U coaches will upload the practice and game schedules to the TeamSnap app when that info is available.
8U NYSL (Nebraska Youth Soccer League) 5v5 games will be held at various fields around the Omaha, Fremont and Bennington area*.
Fall schedules will run from August - October depending on weather.
Spring schedules will run from March - June depending on weather.
8U primary play day is Saturday and secondary play day is Sunday.
*Game locations can be held at any field in Omaha or surrounding areas based on need/availability as determined by NYSL.
Please see info towards the bottom of this webpage.
Size 3 soccer ball, please label soccer balls in case they get left behind
Tennis shoes/soccer cleats; no baseball cleats
Shin Guards (worn under soccer socks)
Water; please label water bottles in case they get left behind
No jewelry; earrings, bracelets (medical alert is okay) or necklaces
All communication for this division will be sent via TeamSnap. Please download the TeamSnap app, if you have not already done so. All communication and schedules will be sent through the app. Your child will be placed on a team once registration has closed. Please allow time for team formation.
Weather Cancellations:
Will be emailed and/or texted out division wide or by your players coach, via the TeamSnap app. Please note - we have GREAT fields, and they drain very well. If it has rained earlier in the day, but has cleared by practice time - we will most likely still hold practice! If there is severe weather in the area, we will cancel practice early - so please stay near our complex when weather is a potential issue.

8U Uniform Info:
BENSC Uniform Shirts (1 Blue and 1 Grey Shirt)
Cost is $25, to be paid during registration in the Sports Connect system
SPRING SEASON: If you are a returning 8U player and have uniform shirts from the Fall season, you do not need to purchase shirts again in the Spring. Please choose "No" when prompted, in response to the question asking if you are a new 8U player for the Spring season.
If you are a new BENSC 8U player for the Spring season, please answer "Yes" to the question asking if you are new player for the Spring season. This will prompt you to pay for the uniform shirts.
Black Shorts
any brand you want to buy/provide
Shin guards
worn under soccer socks
Soccer Socks
any brand you want to buy/provide, teams usually coordinate and wear blue, black or grey
Soccer Cleats/Tennis Shoes
No baseball/softball cleats allowed​
No jewelry