Competitive Assessment Info
Train. Compete. Achieve.
Bennington, NE
Fall 2024 Assessments:
BENSC parents and coaches,
During the month of June, board members and coaches will be conducting player assessments for all existing and new players at the BHS Bus Barn fields, located at 16610 Bennington Road.
These assessments will need to be completed prior to June 27, 2024. If weather is an issue, we will communicate a change in location and/or date and time, via Facebook and our website. All players should only be assessed once. If for some reason, you would like your player assessed a second time, please reach out directly to Wally Wright. Please plan on your player attending the entire time slot. Time slots for each assessment might run shorter or longer than listed. We appreciate your flexibility. There are multiple dates given for each age group, please attend the date that is best for your family/schedule.
After the completion of assessments, there will be a coaches meeting set up via Google Meets. Team formations/rosters will need to be turned into Nebraska State Soccer and the Nebraska Youth Soccer League after registration closes on June 27, 2024.
The goal of the assessment process is to continue to track the development of existing Bennington Soccer Club (BENSC) players and any new players to the club. Since it is our goal to match like skilled players together, certain players may change teams based on three factors: performance during the previous season, player assessment scores and coaches’ knowledge of the players development. All new players who are assessed will be placed on the team that best matches their skill level during assessments. Reminder, these are assessments and not try-outs. No player will be cut from the BENSC program.
Any new players, who do not complete the assessment in June, will be randomly placed on a team (with roster space availability) and further assessment will be completed during the Fall 2024 season.
The 8U age group does not participate in the assessment process. NYSL requires all 8U teams to have a random team formation process.
For all 14U and older teams, board members will be working with the coaches to handle assessments &/or the team formation process. Justin/Wally will contact you with more information.
At the conclusion of each age group assessments, the coaches and at least one board member will form teams based on the three factors mentioned above. Any concerns about player placement should be discussed with the players assigned coach or a board member.
Thank you for supporting BENSC and we look forward to the 2024-2025 season.
Justin Hughes
BENSC President
Wally Wright
Asst. Director of Coaching - Developmental
Assessment Week 1
Please choose one of the three assessment dates to attend
for your age group.
Each player only needs to attend ONE assessment date.
Location: BHS Bus Barn Fields
Assessment Week 2
Please choose one of the three assessment dates to attend
for your age group.
Each player only needs to attend ONE assessment date.
Location: BHS Bus Barn Fields
Alternate Assessment Info:
If you cannot attend one of the scheduled assessment dates for your age group during Week 1 for 9U - 11U or Week 2 for 12U - 14U, you can attend on the alternate week.
Please check in with a coach or board member upon arrival.
You will be able to participate in all assessment activities except the "open play" portion of assessments, due to the large age gap. Please make sure to sign up for your alternate date using the appropriate Sign Up Genius link for the week you are attending.
2024 Assessment Guide
Coaches Assessment Schedule
All 9U - 14U coaches needs to attend a minimum of one assessment date during Week 1 or Week 2 when your age group is assessing. Please click on the link to access the Sign Up Genius to attend as many sessions as you can. Thank you for your assistance.
Coaches Meeting Schedule
All 9U - 14U boys and girls coaches will have a team formation meeting with at least one board member present. All meetings will be held via Google Meets. Please see the schedule below for the meeting date and time. All teams need to meet prior to June 28th. Check email for meeting invite info.