Train. Compete. Achieve.
Field Maps &
Practice Info
Bennington, NE
Competitive Level
Practice Fields:
High School Fields
16610 Bennington Rd.
*Fields are to the east of the HS behind the football field/track.
BB: Bus Barn Fields
*No parking in the Bus Barn loop or by the curb. All parents must park in the parking lot behind the Bus Barn.
MHS: Middle High School Field
NHS: North High School Field

There is NO PARKING at the Bus Barn fields in front of the Bus Barn or along the curb on Bennington Road. Please use the parking lot to the west of the Bus Barn.

Competitive Level
Practice Fields:
Bennington Middle School Fields
11201 N. 168th St.
Bennington NE 68007
*Fields are on the North East side of the middle school along Bennington Rd.
NMS: North MS Field closest to Bennington Rd.
MMS: Middle MS Field
SMS: South MS Field closest to back retaining wall and BMS

Bennington SOUTH Middle School Fields
9809 N 171st St.
Bennington NE 68007
*There are two fields at BSMS. Fields are on the south east side of the school.
BSMS North Field
BSMS South Field

Bennington Pine Creek Elementary School Fields
7801 N HWS Cleveland Blvd.
Bennington NE 68007
*There are two fields at Pine Creek.
Fields are on the east side of the school.
Pine Creek North Field
Pine Creek South Field

BENSC Complex:
All 8U teams will practice and have games at the BENSC Complex located at 162nd and Bennington Rd.
See map for numbered fields.

Competitive Level Practice Schedules
Spring 2025