Volunteer Requirements /
Risk Management
& Coaching Info
Train. Compete. Achieve.
Bennington, NE
Volunteer Requirements
or Risk Management
How to volunteer to become a BENSC Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Manager:
Log into your Sports Connect account, create a profile for yourself, click the volunteer button and select a role. Please click on the "How to Volunteer" button and reference #19 for further instructions.
What do I have to do next? You need to complete your Volunteer/Risk Management Requirements
All volunteers: (Returning or new)
Start by going to the NSS Safeguarding website
Directions for BENSC Sports Connect "Club" Users: (As a Club, we use Sports Connect to register our players)
Follow directions on page.
Start by renewing your "Risk Status" aka Background Check through the state website.
Then complete the process for Concussion and Safe Sport. Please Complete SafeSport through The Learning Center.
Disregard anything asking for payment for the background check. Do NOT pay for a background check through US Soccer Learning Center.
​Steps for Completing Risk Management Requirements
All volunteers will use the NSS RM website to complete the requirements. **Returning volunteers might have some of these requirements completed, or they may expire at different times.
If you are a NEW VOLUNTEER you will follow Steps 1-3 below.
Step 1: Background Check: Login or sign up using the NSS Risk Management button and complete the background check.
Step 2: SafeSport Training: There are two options to complete SafeSport. We highly recommend using the U.S. Soccer Learning Center to complete your SafeSport and Concussion requirements. This site sends users reminders to renew their requirements when they are expiring.
U.S. Soccer Learning Center:
- If you have never completed the SafeSport training before or if you have an existing U.S. Soccer Learning Center account you will select this option. The course can be accessed clicking the button below or by copying and pasting this link into your browser: https://learning.ussoccer.com/safe-soccer.
- Login or create a new account - complete the "SafeSport Course". Once completed the course will update via an API and nothing further will be needed.
US Center for SafeSport:
- If you have completed a SafeSport course in the past you will need to access your account with SafeSport. Go to your SafeSport account by clicking the button below, or by copying and pasting this link into your browser: https://safesporttrained.org/#/public-dashboard.
- Once completed the course will update via an API and nothing further will be needed.
- If you want to download your SafeSport certificate and create a U.S. Soccer account click the button below on how to add your SafeSport certificate to your profile.
Note: Either option will verify via an API, you won't need to download your certificate and upload to your account.
​Step 3: Concussion Training:
U.S. Soccer Learning Center:
- To complete concussion training you will use the US. Soccer Learning Center. The course can be accessed by clicking the button below, or by copying and pasting this link into your browser: https://learning.ussoccer.com/safe-soccer
- Login or create a new account - complete the "Introduction to Safe and Healthy Playing Environments"
- Once completed the course will update via an API and nothing further will be needed.

Questions on how to complete your requirements?
Email BENSC Administrator
Leah Kinworthy
Volunteers who are Minors (under 18)
Any volunteer wishing to help coach for BENSC that is under the age of 18 cannot complete the adult Safe Sport or the Background Check.
The volunteer should still complete the concussion training through CDC:
The volunteer should also complete the youth Safe Sport training:
*A minor cannot coach a team without an adult present.
**Any player or volunteer over the age of 18 must complete all three requirements listed above (Safe Sport, Background Check, Concussion Training prior to the start of the season.
Players 18 and older

Coaches Registration Refund

Coach Apparel:
Each season, if at all possible, BENSC tries to provide Competitive Level coaches with a BENSC shirt/hoodie.
To be eligible for this free apparel, the coach MUST register to coach through the Sports Connect registration platform, provide your shirt size and volunteer before the bulk season order has been placed, prior to the start of the season. If you do not do this we cannot guarantee you a coach apparel item. (Team managers are not eligible for this apparel).
Every BENSC Head Coach and Assistant Coach will receive a 50% refund* on registration fees for each child that plays for BENSC. (Team Managers are not eligible for the refund).
To receive the refund all coaches must complete:
-3 Volunteer/Coaching Requirements before deadline given/start of season
-SafeSport, Kidsafe, Concussion
-coach for the entire Fall or Spring season
-complete the Coaches Google Form, by deadline given (This will be emailed to you towards middle/end of the season.)
*Note: this is a refund, not a 50% discount. All families need to pay the entire registration fee for their children. Giving a refund, instead of a discount, ensures volunteers coach for the entire season and complete all 3 volunteer requirements.
**If multiple parents/guardians/family members coach for the club a maximum refund amount given will be 50% of the registration fees per child.
***BENSC will not give a coaches refund for registration fees for Winter/Summer Academies.
BENSC will mail you a refund check after the season has concluded.
Coaches Reimbursement for Equipment
Contact Info for Coaches:
Questions and don't know who to reach out to? Please see the table above.
Ted Anderson - Director of Coaching, see Ted for questions regarding coaching licenses, assistance with practice plans/curriculum for any age group​
Leah Kinworthy - BENSC Administrator, reach out to her for questions about registration, volunteer requirements, TeamSnap, NSS/NYSL related needs
Michelle Wulff - Director of Competition, reach out to her regarding division placement in NYSL, soccer rules and policies, practice schedules
Wally Wright - Director of Coaching for Competitive (8U-19U), is in charge of all assessments and helping with any practice plans and coaching related questions for these age groups
Morgan Delaney - Director of Coaching for Developmental (4U-7U) and all Goalie Training. See Morgan for any assistance needed with goalies and for all Developmental age groups